Two of the most widely used pseudo-elements ::before and ::after when used correctly, can give added style capability to a selected element.
Since the evolution of web development languages, there is one language that everyone uses to style the web. CSS is the language worth learning when starting web development as no matter what coding language you use, CSS will always act as your presentation layer.

What Are Types of CSS : How To Add Inline, Internal and External CSS
Understand types of CSS and know about all 3 ways to add CSS to your HTML. The difference between each and When to select one method over another.

Trigger CSS Animations On Scroll – Add CSS Transition using Intersection Observer API
See How you can master your scroll animations with a simple trick.

How HTML and CSS Work Together? How They Work Under The Hood
Get an understanding of what happens in browser when we load and HTML file with CSS

How To Center Image Vertically And Horizontally Using CSS
A different way to align image center inside a div